Disabled Intenational Foundation

Improving the Lives of the Disabled
Our programme's main focus is to provide aid to every disabled person in Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom.
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Championing Rights and Wellbeing

Global Support for Hope Initiatives

Prioritising the Most Vulnerable

We help & care for disabled people with compassion & empathy…

Goal: £9,000

Providing food and shelter for underprivileged children…

Goal: £5,000

Giving the disabled a voice: support the disabled to stand for their rights…

Goal: £3,000

DIFSIL Boss Now World Ambassador

The Unity Malnutrition Children’s Organization (UMCO) has appointed Founder and Executive Director…

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DIFSIL provides lunch for Hundreds of Children Across Sierra Leone

Disbled international foundation Sierra Leone ( DIFSIL) on Christmas day provide food and gifts for hundreds of Children across the Country…


Presidential LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENTS Humanitarian Award and Presidential Medals

I was so blessed to have been nominated by our Sierra Leonean high commissioner H.E Dr Morie Manyeh…